Church Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday 8:30` 3:00

Wednesday 8:15 – 3:15

Thursday 8:30 – noon

Closed on Friday

Community United Methodist Church

616 Harvey Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL  32118

Phone (386) 252-3655      Fax (386) 252-4161


Wednesday Outreach

Food Pantry   8:30–3:00

 Clothes Closet 12:00–3:00

Covid-19 Protocols in effect – see page 2




The message of    Easter…

More Than A Feeling!

by Pastor Ken Zimmerman

A young pastor in our conference, who is battling brain cancer, was asked what he would preach on Christmas Eve.  He told his pastor friends he would tell the people that Jesus is “more than a feeling!”  When I heard about his statement of faith I was challenged in my spirit.

I want to grab hold of his faith and declare to you that the Resurrection of Jesus is “more than a feeling!”  This statement, “more than a feeling” comes from the song by the same title by the group Boston.  Love is more than a feeling…it is a lived-out life with and for others.

I am going to take that faith statement, “more than a feeling,” as the title of a series of messages from Palm Sunday, Resurrection Sunday, and the Sunday after Easter.  Our faith is more than a feeling, it is a love for Jesus, who died, rose from the dead and lives!  “More than a feeling” is a faith challenge for us to die to self, rise in Christ, and live a life of faith, hope and love.

The Apostle Paul put his “more than a feeling” statement of faith in these words

“Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives.”  (Galatians 5:25 Message bible)


He Is Risen!

He Is Risen, Indeed!



I want to challenge you to make the commitment to be in worship in the sanctuary beginning March, 28th, or watch

it live on line on the church’s Facebook page and commit to renewing your faith in Jesus as “more than a feeling.”  Live out your faith in Jesus each new day, not as an idea in your mind or a sentiment in our heart, but as a reality of Jesus’ resurrecting love in your daily living!

Your friend in Jesus, Pastor Ken



Bishop Ken Carter, along with our District Superintendent, Dionne Hammond, have set Sunday, April 25th as Announcement Sunday.  During worship on that Sunday, Elaine Racicot, chairperson of the Staff-Parish Relations Committee will announce the “projected” pastor for Community UMC.  Please be praying for our new pastor and our church as we begin a new chapter in the rich history and ministry of our church.


PASTOR KEN’S FINAL SUNDAY! After 40 years of preaching, with the past 14 years being at Community UMC, Pastor Ken’s final Sunday will be May 30th!  He will take his allotted vacation time during the month of June. This will give the church time to make the transition from Pastor Ken to our incoming pastor who will officially begin July 1st.  Different pastors will be filling the pulpit on the Sundays of June with our own District Superintendent preaching the final Sunday of June to prepare the way for our new pastor


“The Communicator” Page 2


See Jesus in others and may others see Jesus in you…



Carol Johnson, Coordinator

            We survived this last year of virus, employment layoffs and increased first time clients to our food pantry! We were blessed by Second Harvest Food Bank with a lot of grant money to help with increased food costs due to COVID.  As we move forward in 2021 we look forward to a year of increased employment and less clients.  We did change the hours and the way Wednesday clients are received into the Food Pantry. Because of the success of this new procedure, even when COVID is gone, we will continue this new system.

            Volunteers are still needed on Wednesday.  First to help unload the food truck and to help push carts to client’s vehicles after they receive their food.  Our hours are 8:30 to 3:00.  If anyone can help, for the entire day or for a few hours, your help would be greatly appreciated.

We ask for and welcome continued prayers for our Pantry, and for the safety for our clients and volunteers.

And they asked – “When did we see you hunger or thirst?” And Jesus replied, “When you did this to one of the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me” 


Carol Johnson



      2-03-2021   FP 193 served

      2-10-2021    FP 148 served

      2-17-2021   FP 194 served

      2-24-2021   FP 156 served

      3-03-2021   FP 163 served

      3-10-2021   FP  CLOSED

      3-17-2021   FP 173 served

      3-24-2021   FP 104 served



      The cross necklace sharing ministry has been such an encouragement to so many people.  Each week we listen to how sharing a simple cross necklace has brought hope to others. To date we have shared the love of Jesus with over 20,722 people.  Thanks to all who are so faithful in sharing Jesus with others through our cross necklace ministry.



Your MASK says you care about me. My MASK says I care about you. MASKS say we care about our community! THANKS FOR CARING!!!



The Clothes Closet Gang

Once Upon a time, as all tales begin, we are continuing to serve our community under the covid-19 restrictions. In addition to helping The Clothes Closet, we have a clothing rack outside and several tables with household items and books. After the people get their groceries, they are able to shop outside for additional items.

               Our latest venture, Marketplace, that one of our dedicated volunteers started, has been a tremendous success. She has turned our rummage sale room into a "Boutique" so when people come in to pick up an item or items they saw on Marketplace, they look around and purchase other items. Special thanks to a church member who continually places items to sell at Dunn’s Attic and gives proceeds to the Clothes Closet. This has enabled us to continue purchasing our hygiene items as well as jeans, shorts and sneakers, which we purchase at area thrift stores.

               We have so much to be thankful for as we are able to continue our ministry and help those in need.

               As always, we are thankful for the support we receive from our church family and others.



      If you have some time to work in our outreach ministry areas, Clothes Closet and Food Pantry, please call the Church Office (386-252-3655). Be certain to include your phone number.  Someone will contact you with more information once the COVID 19 restrictions are lifted.

Thanks in advance for considering volunteering!



Do all the good you can. By all the means you can.  In all the ways you can.  In all the places you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.” – John Wesley





“The Communicator” Page 3




The COVID numbers are going down.  Many of our “at risk” folks have received their vaccinations.  Our sanctuary was reopened for “In-person” worship on Palm Sunday, March 26th at 10:00a.m.  COVID protocol will still be in place: masks required at all times, temperature check as you enter the building and social distancing in the pews.


ONLINE WORSHIP  Each Sunday by 10:00a.m. Pastor Ken will post his message on the church’s Facebook page.  The Have Life SS class and the Back Porch Bible Study will be posted on the Facebook page.  Stay careful and prayerful!

CUMC Facebook picture a




The Have Life SS class and Back Porch Bible Study will be posted on the Facebook page. Stay careful ad prayerful!



You can access Pastor Ken’s entire sermon manuscripts each week! The message is available on the church website each Monday following the Sunday presented.  There is also an archive of Pastor Ken’s messages on the website at:


FINANCIAL SECRETARY HAS GONE TO HAWAII! Our financial secretary, Peggy McGee, has decided to return to Hawaii.  She faithfully served our church for 4 years as the Financial Sec.  We wish her well as she returns to her friends, church and co-workers in Maui.  Carol Johnson has stepped up and volunteered to take on the position.  Thanks to Peggy and to Carol!


By Gary Rich, Parishioner

              How many Christian believers in Jesus Christ make daily "deposits into eternity”? Quite an interesting question isn't it. Think about it, we go to our earthly banks and make deposits into our accounts that will only last a short while. When is the last time you thought about making a deposit into your eternal heaven account? A deposit that will last for all of eternity in Heaven, I know, your thinking- just how does a Christian make a deposit into eternity. Very simple - go share your faith in Jesus Christ with someone else. Give a meal to a homeless person, pray for someone in need, do an act of kindness, mow your neighbor's grass, do volunteer work at CUMC, handout some cross necklaces - the deposit into eternity list is endless as you can see when Jesus returns one day and takes you up into Heaven, you will appear at the Judgement Seat of Christ where your life will be reviewed and Jesus will give you eternal rewards based on how you spent your life serving Him. And since as a Christian your appearance at the Judgement Seat of Christ will happen, shouldn't you be about your Father's business and be using your time, talents and resources to serve your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? starting with tomorrow morning, consider how you can make a " deposit into eternity ", how you can daily make an eternal difference for the Kingdom of God. Go for it my friends, get out there and share the love and grace that Jesus has shown you to someone else.  And make a " deposit into eternity”!!!  

Have a blessed day,









The Communicator” Page 4





      February 2021/YTD Income        $10,753/$26,057

      February 2021/YTD Expenses    $18,448/$38,017    



Lois Hiles, Finance Committee Chairperson

            The COVID-19 crisis has not only affected businesses but also churches in our area, ours included.  Many of you have been so faithful in sending, or dropping off, your tithes and offerings to CUMC.  However, we are currently experiencing approximately $5000 a month deficit.  Your generous tithes and offerings to God will begin to get us back to normal.  You may give weekly, monthly or set up auto payments with your financial institution. Again, thanks to all you who give to God first through our church.



            The SPRC will meet with our District Superintendent to discuss the “projected appointment” of our new pastor.  The official announcement will take place by Elaine Racicot, SPRC chairperson, in April during a worship service. After that announcement the new pastor will come for an official visit.  Please continue to keep whoever is coming in your prayers. 



            We are wanting to go back to a once-a-month newsletter. This is to try to keep the news more up to date and not 2 months out.  You are encouraged to check out the newsletter on line the first week of each month. 








Mary Shepherd, Coordinator

      Thank you for continuing to clip coupons for our veterans and their families.  Box Tops for Education are collected to buy computers for McCurdy School. Product Coupons and Box Tops for Education can be placed the box on the table in the back of the sanctuary. Thank you!




Every Tuesday at 2:00 p.m., pray for 2 minutes! 

            Pray for whatever God tells your heart about the life and ministry of our church.  You can pray for lives to come to Jesus, people to be faithful in coming to worship, financial provision, outreach ministries resources and volunteers, unity in our community and/or connectional ministries with other United Methodist churches in our area. Who knows what ripple effect this prayer will have on our church, community and our own lives.  God does!



Carol Johnson, Altar Guild Chairperson

             A Flower Calendar for 2021 for those wishing to place flowers on the altar in honor or memory of a loved one during the upcoming year, will be available in March at the back of the Sanctuary. Contact Carol (386.673.4648) or Joanne with your request/dedication to be placed in the bulletin for the Sunday you choose. The cost is $35 per arrangement.





“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16








“The Communicator” Page 5








GIFFORD, Jerry                              4/01

HARDING, Earlies                           4/03

HOWELL, Eileen                             4/05

CASE, John                                     4/09

BISHOP, Carol                                4/10

JOSEPH, Lori                                  4/11

SINKA, Evelyn                                 4/11

ZIMMERMAN, Loreen                     4/11

HATCH, James                                4/15

PARKER, Linda “Katie”                   4/16

ASHLEY, Brandy                             4/20

STUART, Gwen                               4/20

PEARSON, Jan                               4/21

SHEHI, Phil                                      4/21

HARDEN, John                                4/23

MASSIE, Linda                                4/24

SANTIAGO, Jessie                          4/24

CLARK, Brandon                             4/26

SIMMONS, Sunny                           4/26



Jim & Pat Clapp – 4/30/1988



Apologies are extended to any whose anniversaries or birthdays have been omitted.  Please call Joanne at the church office (386-252-3655) to contribute or update information!


Please refer to the weekly bulletin for announcements about meetings and events.




This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

April 4th Easter Resurrection Sunday

April 5th          Office Closed             

April 15th        Deadline for the May

                       Communicator Articles

April 22nd       Earth Day


            “The COMMUNICATOR” is published monthly and posted on the CUMC website, emailed upon request, available in hard copy at the back of the sanctuary and mailed to out-of-state friends and local shut-ins. Please let Joanne Young know in what format you would like to receive your newsletter by completing the form below.  Thanks! Becky Lindhorst, Editor                                                      PLEASE PRINT





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Please return to Joanne Young one of the following ways:

Email her at:    Call her at 386.252.3655         Fax form to (386) 252-4161

Mail form to: 616 Harvey Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL  32118